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Alfresco 3.2 and RivetLogic STAR..

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi all,

I tried to find a way to get working the rivet logic portlet with Liferay 5.2.3 and Alfresco 3.2. If I'm refered to this site (, I did not find how to setting up the right configuration for Alfresco 3.2. Is there someone who has succeeded to get it working well? I know since Alfresco 3.2, all the chaining authentication has changed. Do I have to modified the STAR configuration or something else?

All working fine with Liferay 5.2.3 and Alfresco 3.0.

Here is my setup:

Liferay 5.2.3;
Alfresco 3.0
AWPR 1.5
STAR 1.1.0,


Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Hi Stephane,

We haven't had time to test AWPr with Alfresco 3.2 yet. Could you please create a jira ticket for it on the Rivet Logic jira for AWPr with more details on what you've tried and what error(s) you're getting? That way we could get a head start on figuring out what the issue(s) is(are).



Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

We have released a new STAr AMP (version 1.2.0) that works with Alfresco 3.2r2. There was really no need to release a new AMP but we had to since for some reason Alfresco 3.2r2 is not picking up the STAr authentication context XML file when it's places in the extensions folder on the shared classpath, but when it's inside the Alfresco WAR file it's working fine. So we added those files to the STAr AMP.

For details and installation/configuration instructions please visit AWPr's wiki space.


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