09-20-2019 10:39 AM
Alfresco Search Services 1.4.0 has been released.
The ZIP Distribution file can be downloaded from Downloads or it can be found in Nexus Alfresco Maven Repository:
If you are using Docker, you can get the new Image by typing:
docker pull alfresco/alfresco-search-services:1.4.0
Alfresco Insight Engine 1.4.0 has been also released. Note that previous release for Insight Engine was 1.1.x, so we have changed the naming to follow the same schema used in Search Services. Insight Engine and Insight Engine Zeppelin artifacts can be downloaded from Nexus and Quay.io using Enterprise credentials.
New Features
Third Party Product Versions
Search Services 1.4.0 works with ACS 6.0, 6.1, 6.2*
Insight Engine 1.4.0 works with ACS 6.0, 6.1, 6.2* and AGS 3.0.2, 3.1.1*, 3.2*
10-22-2019 03:41 AM
Hi Im currently using the 1.3.0-RC2 Image.
After upgrading to the new version with docker and running docker-compose up -d, i got the following message:
Error CREATEing SolrCore 'alfresco': Unable to create core [alfresco] Caused by: /opt/alfresco-search-services/data/alfresco/index/write.lock
Do I need a full reindex if i want to upgrade?
Im using Volumes in Docker to persist the data.
10-22-2019 04:01 AM
It looks like a permission problem with the folder for the SOLR volumes.
Can you try to use 1.3.0-RC2 with your Docker Compose template to be sure that this is the problem?
Note that SOLR Docker Image is executed by a user solr, that might be UID 1000 in your local host. So you need to grant permissions for this user in your local host when mounting the volume.
10-22-2019 04:20 AM
Sorry i forgot to write that reverting to 1.3.0-RC2 fixes the problem.
Ive been using the same user for creating the volumes as well as for running the other docker commands like pull or docker-compose up -d --build
I've read in one of your templates the solr permissions need some tweaks, but it worked for me out of the box with 1.3.0-RC2.
I even deleted the the write.lock myself from the persisted data, but the error was thrown anyway.
10-22-2019 04:52 AM
Did you try to optimize the SOLR core before upgrading? Hopefully this will fix the locking issue.
10-22-2019 05:08 AM
just tried it, unfortunately its not working either
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