I am discovering Alfresco with Jboss package.
The version I am using is 1.4.0
I am trying to configure the ldap synchronization with the domain
1) I modified the file Alfresco\jboss\server\default\conf\alfresco\extension\ldap-authentication-context.xml in order to set my domain information :
- for the bean authenticationComponentImpl :
<property name="userNameFormat">
- for the ldapPeopleExportSource
<property name="personQuery">
<property name="searchBase">
<property name="userIdAttributeName">
- for the bean ldapGroupExportSource (in order to synchronized only one group)
<property name="groupQuery">
<property name="searchBase">
The problem is that, after restarting JBoss, I cannot connect into alfresco anymore.
I perform many search into the forum, but nothing can help me !
Any idea ?