When I update activiti 5.15 to 5.16.3, the process that deployed before can't be started.
There is one script tasks and i call rpc with groovy,as follow: println("############ lock_devices jsonrpc.invoke ############") res = jsonrpc.invoke('act_lock_devices',[operator:sponsor,orderIdrder_id,svrId:svrid_list]) println("lock_devices res=${res}") execution.setVariableLocal("lockFlag",res[0]) execution.setVariableLocal("lockMsg",res[1])
And the jsonrpc is configed in xml file: <bean class="com.tencent.yunoss.JsonrpcBean" id="jsonrpc"> <property value="http://ip/jsonrpc" name="baseUrl"/> </bean>
when i start the process , the exception is throwed: 07:43:47,524 [http-bio-8080-exec-8] WARN org.activiti.engine.impl.bpmn.behavior.ScriptTaskActivityBehavior - Exception while executing lockdevices_st : problem evaluating script: javax.script.ScriptException: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: jsonrpc for class: Script1
and when i set the script task activiti:async="true", and redeploy the process, the exception disappeared。
And the jsonrpc is configed in xml file: <bean class="com.tencent.yunoss.JsonrpcBean" id="jsonrpc"> <property value="http://iport" name="baseUrl"/> </bean>