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After successful build - now what?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Group,
Another Alfresco newbie question:

After a successful build of Alfresco from SVN, I have two questions:

1) If I build Alfresco on my Windows box, will it run OK on my Linux server?

2) Is there a wiki procedure or some other reference that describes the required install steps after a successful build?

Thanks again!

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Matt

how did you get on with documentation - I just tried link you were given it there was not much there  - you wouldn't be able to post some steps would you ???

Cheers Dave

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
While I seem to have gotten a clean build, I started running into problems with RMI.  I think I neglected to include the virtual-tomcat stuff and I was recently told (on these forums) how to include this in my build.

FYI: I am using eclipse for the build (and ant).  I followed the build procedure that told us to install ant, DL the code from svn, then perform the build (using eclipse and ant).  The steps that were not very clear were the ones that mentioned having the virtual-tomcat.  For those of us bouncing back and forth between Linux installs and Windows installs there seem to be some subtle differences regarding what is included in the install.  Also, I found that when I was trying to perform my first build, the svn was in such a state of flux that I grabbed a version that was not yet stable (due to incroporation of the WCM code).  Further, there seem to be two approaches - one using the sdk, the other using the svn.  A bit confusing.  I also saw some note that you need some items from the alfresco sdk.  I can't remember what these are or if in its current state this step is still needed.

What I did notice after the build was that I had a new batch of files that I could apparently move into my directory structure on my Linux box.  That was going to be my next step - move the files from my Windows box build into a similart (test) directory structure on my Linux server.

I have not gotten that far - yet.  However, I surmise that you should be able to perform the process I mention above and possibly end up with a working install.  I am nearing another window of opportunity where I will give it another crack.  I will update you.

As far as documentation for doing this, I have found it to be rather thin.  This does make it difficult for us newbies, but look on the bright side, it's an opportunity to learn a new skill! Smiley Happy

Please update me if you make progress on this.  We (the collective we) need to be able to build alfresco on our own if we wish to use it in a stable environment.  For example, the recent stable 1.4 is not fully functional  regarding WebDav, but the SVN DOES include the fix for it.  If we can perform a clean build and replace on our production servers, then we can derive the benfit of this svn fix.  Otherwise, we will have to wait till the next release.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks Matt  for your quick reply….

I think you are right about the lack of relevant documentation. I will surely update you of any progress I make.  We use intellij and also ant for the build. We also use Oracle as a database.

I was caught out by the WCM code as the first instance I grabbed from the svn was some time ago. I would have thought it would be possible to just not use the WCM stuff as it is not something we require.

best of luck

Cheers Dave

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
As one of the newbies coming in, I'm hoping/wishing/suggesting that those of you who are ahead of me on the path (read: anybody) would update the wiki ( to make it easier for the rest of us.

Please help me. 😄


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Travis

I have reverted back to the 1.4 code which works fine… I was able to get the WCM version to deploy and run though there were some errors and I had little confidence in the code. If you say what your errors are I will try to help if possible.

Cheers Dave