02-17-2015 04:42 AM
var newEventListenerX = new zcProto(YUI-ID, record.jsNode.nodeRef);
// Prototype
function zcProto(id, link) {
this.id = id;
this.link = link;
var zclip = new ZeroClipboard(document.getElementById(id));
zclip.on("ready", function() {
zclip.on("aftercopy", function(event) {
zclip.on("copy", function (event) {
var clipboard = event.clipboardData;
clipboard.setData("text/plain", link);
02-19-2015 04:56 AM
02-20-2015 02:28 AM
// browser source code of the default "delete document" action
<span id="yui-gen188">Delete Document</span>
// so for this example I have to execute the following code while the page gets loaded (during the "onload" event of the page)
// this will define the listener and its properties to save to the client's system clipboard
new zcProto("yui-gen188", nodes[node].nodeRef);
// if the user than clicks on the button in reality the user clicks the invisible flash object on top of the button which triggers the listener
// which will save the node's nodeRef to the clipoard (or any other properties of the node)
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