i'll report my attempt:
i've deployed a wf with this usertask…
i would like to grab parameters given from the user and make then reusable in the subsequent "ServiceTask"…
<javascript><userTask id="alfrescoUsertask1" name="Fill Form" activiti:assignee="dummyuser" activiti:formKey="wf:adhocTask">
<activiti:formProperty id="Time" name="Time elapsing" >
<activiti:value id="5" name="5 years"></activiti:value>
<activiti:value id="10" name="10 years"></activiti:value>
<activiti:value id="20" name="20 years"></activiti:value>
<activiti:formProperty id="Type" name="Type Document"></activiti:formProperty>
<activiti:formProperty id="Note" name="Note"></activiti:formProperty>
but in the Alfresco WorkDesk the Alfresco BPM doesn't show anything…
Actually i wanted to avoid the form jsp designing…and try to avoid adding properties to task too…