I'm new to Activiti workflow and now looking for a workflow solution to improve our works. However I don't know whether Activiti support dynamic approval or not.
Let's take an example with company organization chart line this:
Company A –Division 1 —Department 1.1 —-Employee a —-Employee b —-Employee c
–Division 2 —Department 2.1 —-Employee d —-Employee e —-Employee f —Department 2.2 —-Employee g —-Employee h —-Employee i
…and so on. Each Department will have a Department Manager and each Division will have Division Manager. A request form should go through the following description: Employee —> Department Manager —> Division Manager. Division Manager can not see request forms which originated from other Division than his.
How do I perform this approval workflow in Activiti?
Employee -> Dep. Manager -> Div. Manager -> end Request
I think the only question there is how to assign task to the right person. I would use candidate users. You could execute script to get Dep.Manager (DIv. Manager) on task create event or in the script before user task.
(It is good practice to use groups instead of users in assignmnent)