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Activiti Rest JSON Response

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I am using the restful aspect of activiti and noticed that it appears to be returning invalid json.  I would expect the resultant json to look similar to,
  "data": [
      "id": "10",
      "name": "",
      "deploymentTime": "2010-10-13T14:54:26.750+02:00"
  "total": 1,
  "start": 0,
  "sort": "id",
  "order": "asc",
  "size": 1

but it comes back with none of the quotes and in place of the ':' name/value separator, it has an '=', so the response I get back looks like,

  data = [
      id =10,
  total = 1,
  size = 1

which is not parseable Json.

I'm not sure why Activiti would return JSon in this latter format and hoped someone on the forum might have seen this before?

I am using Activiti 5.9.


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
As the activiti-rest client uses Restlet (and Jackson to generate JSON), so there is no "special" treatment for the API-call you're referring to. With what client did you do the JSON-call? What were the passed HTTP-request and response headers?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I solved the problem.  I have deployed the activiti restful web app on a variant of service mix (FuseSource) and in doing so, one of my camel routes needed a convertBodyTo(String.class) as the payload was an InputStream (which was being toString'd) instead of a String like I thought.  Once I added the convertBodyTo(String.class) to the route, the Camel Exchange response contained the JSON in the correct format.


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Great to hear it's solved Smiley Wink