I want to get the last task completed for the process instance. I am able to get the last completed human task, but not a Service task.
<b>What i have tried</b>
I have written a SQL query, i am using MySQL, to find out what is last task that is completed. Here it goes :
SELECT * FROM act_hi_taskinst
where PROC_INST_ID_= '1234' and END_TIME_ IS NOT NULL
order by END_TIME_ desc;
act_hi_taskinst is the table that gets updated as and when the process instance progresses.
The process flow goes something like this :
A human Task (Leave request) -> Service task( Check availability of leave) -> service task(Check feasibility) -> A human task(Manager task)
When the task comes to Manager Task the last completed is Check feasibility, but its not reflecting in database.
<b>Can you please help</b>
Does activiti provide any such API to get the last completed service task? Can you suggest some SQL query to solve the problem.