> Is their an ability to have custom reporting for workflows?
Yes, that's possible, but there is no UI for it yet. It's a combination of manual database changes and custom code
> Is their any limitations on the form editor that I need to know about?
Plenty, it's an always evolving product 😉
> what would be a decent estimate on the amount of work that is needed to move old workflows to activiti?
It all depends on the complexity of the process. If they are simple, then the conversion is simple. Concepts between jbpm and Activiti are fairly similar, although of course the language is different (jpdl vs bpmn)
> We keep our current explorer and with our current workflows going into we either cancel or complete the remaining workflows in the jpbm engine.
That is the safest strategy indeed.
> Also, is their a place where you list the next enhancements that will be coming out for activiti soon?
Our sales people have roadmaps, but i dont think there is anything online. If you get into contact with anyone from Alfresco sales (not the devs, you know, we only write it 😉 ) they will be able to provide exactly that to you!