09-22-2011 04:31 PM
.log(LoggingLevel.INFO, "Received message on service task")
Which I want to unit test using a MockEndpoint. I checked out http://camel.apache.org/mock.html, especially the section on "Mocking Existing Endpoints" and so I coded my unit test as:
private CamelContext camelContext;
@Produce(uri = "direct:start", context = "camelProcess")
protected ProducerTemplate template;
public void testMyProcessViaCamel() throws Exception {
// Advise all the endpoints
for (final RouteDefinition route : this.camelContext.getRouteDefinitions()) {
route.adviceWith(this.camelContext, new AdviceWithRouteBuilder() {
public void configure() throws Exception {
// mock all endpoints
But this fails because I get a RuntimeException from the ActivitiEndpoint class:
void addConsumer(ActivitiConsumer consumer) {
if (activitiConsumer != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Activit consumer already defined for " + getEndpointUri() + "!");
activitiConsumer = consumer;
I was wondering if the ActivitiEndpoint should even care about adding a consumer when one has already been added? In this case, Camel has it's reasons for replacing the existing consumer.
void addConsumer(ActivitiConsumer consumer) {
activitiConsumer = consumer;
09-23-2011 07:20 AM
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