Hi All
I was trying to port Activiti 5.0 (ENGINE ONLY) to Microsoft SQL server (as mentioned in the WIKI); got some encouraging results:
Tests run: 460, Failures: 2, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
These two cases relates to
1. classname="org.activiti.engine.test.api.repository.ProcessDefinitionQueryTest" name="testQueryByNameLike"
2. classname="org.activiti.engine.test.api.runtime.RuntimeServiceTest" name="testNonUniqueBusinessKey"… unique business key
I have in included the files in the zip file (MS SQL SERVER Support\TestSuiteErrorDetails)
I have also included scripts for create and dropping of database; Please check if something needs to be modified here.
Have modified one test suite class : org.activiti.examples.mgmt.ManagementServiceTest; to include appropriate data time for SQL server assertOneOf(new String [] {"TIMESTAMP", "TIMESTAMP(6)","DATETIME"}. Please find the class at location: MS SQL SERVER Support\Test_Suite_class_change\org\activiti\examples\mgmt
Have added one new class (MssqlDbMetaDataHandler.java) and modified one existing class (TableMetaDataCacheHandler.java), I have included these classes at location:
MS SQL SERVER Support\activiti-engine\org\activiti\engine\impl\db
The code was built in Activiti 5.0 tag , SVN details can be found in: Activiti 5.0 tag URL.txt. The command to run the code is included in: command.txt
There is some discussion on the web on creation of (MS SQL server specific) unique constraints on a column that allows multiple NULL…the URL is included in the document Link for SQL for unique constraint Business Key.txt…. I tried this one but runs into issues.
HELP Needed from Activity team and Community on the following:
1. Run the test to confirm the results I am getting, correct any mistakes made in the SQL.
2. Creation of MYbatis SQL server query for Link for SQL for unique constraint Business Key.txtclassname="org.activiti.engine.test.api.repository.ProcessDefinitionQueryTest" name="testQueryByNameLike"
3. Help regarding solving: classname="org.activiti.engine.test.api.runtime.RuntimeServiceTest" name="testNonUniqueBusinessKey"… unique business key
4.Tying any loose end.
Thanks in advance