09-08-2006 11:35 AM
09-12-2006 07:36 AM
02-20-2007 08:30 AM
<bean id="authenticationComponentImpl" class="org.alfresco.repo.security.authentication.ldap.LDAPAuthenticationComponentImpl">
<property name="LDAPInitialDirContextFactory">
<ref bean="ldapInitialDirContextFactory"/>
<property name="userNameFormat">
This bean is used to support general LDAP authentication. It is also used to provide read only access to users and groups
to pull them out of the LDAP reopsitory
<bean id="ldapInitialDirContextFactory" class="org.alfresco.repo.security.authentication.ldap.LDAPInitialDirContextFactoryImpl">
<property name="initialDirContextEnvironment">
<!– The LDAP provider –>
<entry key="java.naming.factory.initial">
<!– The url to the LDAP server –>
<!– Note you can use space separated urls - they will be tried in turn until one works –>
<!– This could be used to authenticate against one or more ldap servers (you will not know which one ….) –>
<entry key="java.naming.provider.url">
<!– The authentication mechanism to use –>
<!– Some sasl authentication mechanisms may require a realm to be set –>
<!– java.naming.security.sasl.realm –>
<!– The available options will depend on your LDAP provider –>
<entry key="java.naming.security.authentication">
<!– <value>simple</value>–>
<!– The id of a user who can read group and user information –>
<!– This does not go through the pattern substitution defined above and is used "as is" –>
<entry key="java.naming.security.principal">
<!– <value>cn=ajay mundra,cn=Users,dc=secfportal,dc=com</value> –>
<!– The password for the user defined above –>
<entry key="java.naming.security.credentials">
<!– Ldap Syncronisation support –>
<!– Extract user information from LDAP and transform this to XML –>
<bean id="ldapPeopleExportSource" class="org.alfresco.repo.security.authentication.ldap.LDAPPersonExportSource">
The query to select objects that represent the users to import.
For Open LDAP, using a basic schema, the following is probably what you want:
For Active Directory:
<property name="personQuery">
<!– <value>(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)</value>–>
The seach base restricts the LDAP query to a sub section of tree on the LDAP server.
<property name="searchBase">
The unique identifier for the user.
For simple LDAP authentication this is likely to be "cn" or, less friendly, "distinguishedName"
In OpenLDAP, using other authentication mechanisms "uid", but this depends on how you map
from the id in the LDAP authentication request to search for the inetOrgPerson against which
to authenticate.
In Active Directory this is most likely to be "sAMAccountName"
This property is mandatory and must appear on all users found by the query defined above.
<property name="userIdAttributeName">
<!– Services –>
<property name="LDAPInitialDirContextFactory">
<ref bean="ldapInitialDirContextFactory"/>
<property name="personService">
<ref bean="personService"></ref>
<property name="namespaceService">
<ref bean="namespaceService"/>
This property defines a mapping between attributes held on LDAP user objects and
the properties of user objects held in the repository. The key is the QName of an attribute in
the repository, the value is the attribute name from the user/inetOrgPerson/.. object in the
LDAP repository.
<property name="attributeMapping">
<entry key="cm:userName">
<!– Must match the same attribute as userIdAttributeName –>
<entry key="cm:firstName">
<!– OpenLDAP: "givenName" –>
<!– Active Directory: "givenName" –>
<entry key="cm:lastName">
<!– OpenLDAP: "sn" –>
<!– Active Directory: "sn" –>
<entry key="cm:email">
<!– OpenLDAP: "mail" –>
<!– Active Directory: "???" –>
<entry key="cm:organizationId">
<!– OpenLDAP: "o" –>
<!– Active Directory: "???" –>
<!– Always use the default –>
<entry key="cm:homeFolderProvider">
<!– Set a default home folder provider –>
<!– Defaults only apply for values above –>
<property name="attributeDefaults">
<entry key="cm:homeFolderProvider">
02-20-2007 02:29 PM
03-09-2007 11:58 AM
<!– The url to the LDAP server –>
<!– Note you can use space separated urls - they will be tried in turn until one works –>
<!– This could be used to authenticate against one or more ldap servers (you will not know which one ….) –>
<entry key="java.naming.provider.url">
<!– The id of a user who can read group and user information –>
<!– This does not go through the pattern substitution defined above and is used "as is" –>
<entry key="java.naming.security.principal">
<!– DOESN'T WORK: <value>cn=administrator,cn=Users,dc=wps-alfresco,dc=com</value>–>
<property name="userNameFormat">
03-12-2007 11:25 AM
03-12-2007 12:58 PM
Digest Hashes
Digest Authentication verifies passwords by computing a hash of the account name, realm property, and password. The specific format is H(username:realmassword) where H() is the MD5 hash operation. As this form shows, the plaintext password is required to compute the MD5 hash. To use Digest Authentication in previous versions of Windows Server, reversible encryption has to be set on an account. This setting allows the security provider to compute the digest hash when it is authenticating a server request by using Digest Authentication. In Windows Server 2003, a new digest hash is created and stored in Active Directory when a password is modified on an account. This digest hash contains several pre-computed versions of the H(username:realm
assword) hash and permits these hashes to be authenticated without requiring reversible encryption to be enabled on an account.
03-15-2007 10:41 AM
11-27-2007 09:38 AM
<property name="attributeMapping">
<entry key="cm:userName">
<!– Must match the same attribute as userIdAttributeName –>
<entry key="cm:firstName">
<!– OpenLDAP: "givenName" –>
<!– Active Directory: "givenName" –>
<entry key="cm:lastName">
<!– OpenLDAP: "sn" –>
<!– Active Directory: "sn" –>
<entry key="cm:email">
<!– OpenLDAP: "mail" –>
<!– Active Directory: "???" –>
<entry key="cm:organizationId">
<!– OpenLDAP: "o" –>
<!– Active Directory: "???" –>
<!– Always use the default –>
<entry key="cm:homeFolderProvider">
I have pasted I portion of the xml file used for the mapping.
01-10-2008 03:07 AM
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