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Accessign spaces in Share

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi everyone,
I hope you have patience with me for asking a dumb question, it seems so obvious but the documentation on the internet is not so forthcoming.

I have just installed Alfresco 4 for an evaluation. I have bought a book simply called "alfresco" to try and make sense of all of the descriptions on the internet but I am still stuck.

So I have created a series of spaces, using explorer, lets say

Super space
Super space\Drop Off
Super space\Awaiting approval
Super space\Published

Drop off is where I load documents, awaiting approval is where they go to, Published is where they go when they have been approved.
I have created a series of rules on the space to simply move the document from one place to the other and to the other.

My problem is - How on Earth do I access this from Alfresco share? Is the concept with Share to use folders instead of spaces applying the rules to that? If so it isn't clear?

In Share I only see my site space and that's all. If I want to create any sub sites I have to do it through explorer where it tells me I should do it through share, but I don't see anywhere to create sub spaces in share?

Many thanks to helping solve this now two week problem

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Simply speaking, spaces are folders. For some reason in the past they were named "spaces" within the Explorer client.

Folders within Share map directly to Spaces within Explorer. Share used to only handle SIte-based folders (i.e. those under the "Sites" top-level folder within Explorer) but also allows the entire Company Home area to be browsed using the "Repository Browser".

Rules (and properties for that matter) applied to folders via Explorer will fire for content added using Share - and vice versa.

Does that help at all?


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
If you want to use share then stick your "super space" within a site.

So create a site using share and then if you still want to use explorer put "super space" in company_home/sites/<siteName>/documentLibrary/Super Space.

Or just use share to create "super space".
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