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Access zip file created during transfer in disposition lifec

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi all,

I am trying to find a way to access the 'zip' file that is created after the completion of the transfer process within the disposition lifecycle. This zip file is accessible as part of the records management interface and can be downloaded manually through the interface provided by records management. The zip file contains the audit trail, any meta data and the digital object itself.

I assume this zip file that is created is stored somewhere on the file system of the server. I tried to look for it, but couldn't find the exact path. I will really appreciate if anyone can guide me to the path where these zip files get stored.

I would like to be able to monitor the directory that stores these zip files, so everytime a new transfer happens at the end of the disposition lifecycle - certain actions can be performed automatically - for example, moving the digital object to another server for archiving.

Any suggestions. Thanks.

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
I can't comment on what you want to do from a technical perspective as I'm not a developer. However from a business perspective the following phrase "for example, moving the digital object to another server for archiving" worries me. The RM system is an archive and under normal cicumstances electronic records should remain in the system until their destruction.

This is required so that you can guarantee that you are properly controlling them including ensuring their destruction. If you go and transfer them elsewhere (i.e. another "archive system") you create two problems for yourself; firstly you now have the record in two systems and you have to ensure that the record is properly managed in both (and kept in synch), secondly if you now destroy the record in Alfresco RM and you keep the one in the "archive" system you have two places to search AND the Alfresco system will effectively be presenting incorrect information as it will indicate the record was destroyed whereas in fact it has only been destroyed in Alfresco and still exists elsewhere.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Thanks, carlos. I guess I was not clear in explaining what I was trying to do. Yes alfresco is an archiving system and we are using alfresco for its intended purpose. What I tried to say was - that as part of the disposition workflow - you have a step available through alfresco - called transfer.

We are using this transfer step within the disposition workflow - to move the digital object from server to rack storage (off-line storage on server). We don't really have a destruction step planned right now. If we ever implement a destruction step - it will come after the transfer step and would involve - manually deleting the file in off-line storage on trigger for destruction being activated as part of the disposition workflow. I know destruction is essential for greener IT but - the current organization policy does not allow destruction of records.

I guess transfer of files to offline storage is as green as we are going to get.

From what I understand - when you do a transfer within Alfresco - the file is deleted and destroyed. Only the audit trail remains about the object. Please correct me if I am wrong. In this case we will only have one copy of the digital object - and that would be in offline storage device. So we should not have the sync problem.

For search, if someone would like to search for the file that has been transferred to offline storage. I hope alfresco search should bring up the audit trail that mentions that the file was transferred to offline storage. I hope one can then request for such a file to be retrieved through the repository administrator.
Also, for someone else who might be looking into offline storage options - I have kind of - found the answer. The transfers are stored in the temp directory - but only a xml file is stored. I guess this XML file is used to create zip package on the fly to download through the interface.

Thanks carlos, for taking the time to reply. Will keep people updated on my progress.

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
From what I understand - when you do a transfer within Alfresco - the file is deleted and destroyed. Only the audit trail remains about the object. Please correct me if I am wrong. In this case we will only
have one copy of the digital object - and that would be in offline storage device. So we should not have the sync problem.

The current implementations of the transfer dispositions do not destroy the records content held in Alfresco.  It is only the destroy disposition action that does this.

For search, if someone would like to search for the file that has been transferred to offline storage. I hope alfresco search should bring up the audit trail that mentions that the file was transferred to offline storage. I hope one can then request for such a file to be retrieved through the repository administrator.

The audit trail for records in Alfresco are not included in the standard search.  However, assuming the correct setting, when a records content is destroyed within Alfresco a "ghost" record can remain.  This holds the meta-data of the Record and links to the audit trail.  This can be included in searches, allowing users to see references to previously disposed of Records.

Hope this helps,

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I would also be interested in finding the location of the package. I have a similar goal to the first poster - I wish to output the zip archive to disk and write it to tape as part of my daily backup routine. However, I haven't found any way to programmatically perform the export.

Does anyone have suggestions for how to achieve this in Alfresco?


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
+1 - same interest in being able to have long-time-storage as part of the disposition schedule.

I'd also like a pdf/a conversion at the transfer stage, but I haven't figured out how to automate that.

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

    The Alfresco RM system is effectively an "archive" for records. For electronic records you should not be transferring them to another part of your organisation, as this defeats the purpose of the records management system.
    Electronic transfers are designed to transfer records to an external organisation, this is one of the reasons that the process is manual because it should be under the control of a records manager who takes that decision and waits for a transfer certificate to come back to confirm delivery.
    Transfers are most certainly not designed to be, or take, the place of backups. There are known ways of backing up an Alfresco system but using transfer for this purpose is not advised.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Electronic transfers are designed to transfer records to an external organisation, this is one of the reasons that the process is manual because it should be under the control of a records manager who takes that decision and waits for a transfer certificate to come back to confirm delivery

Electronic transfer is also necessary to transfer the record to internal systems, such as an Alfresco replacement. The company that I work for has been badly burned by Microsoft-style company lock-in in the past and requires all system proposals to describe a migration path to another system. It is intended to protect against external events, such as the system provider being bought and/or system becoming obsolete, which would require the organisation to select a replacement system.

I've been compiling a list of Document/Records Management systems in the last few month to evaluate. Alfresco has scored top marks in every other category that I've defined for the system, but the inability to automate the data transfer is a deal breaker.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
…but the inability to automate the data transfer is a deal breaker.
But wouldn't you only need to perform the operation once in that case? Otherwise, as Carlos states, you're duplicating controlled records outside the RM system.

The other mitigating factor is that you can download the entire source code for the Alfresco RM system and securely store that, thereby insuring against obsoletion.
