03-07-2012 03:23 PM
03-07-2012 05:37 PM
I am working on code written by some other team and they designed some web scripts to access Alfresco using functions like ServiceRegistry, SearchService and other such functions for connecting to database.Okay, this sounds like they have written some Java-backed web scripts and they are using some of Alfresco's services to work with content in the repository.
Then this is used to create an .amp file which is applied to make changes in alfresco.war and now tomcat/webapps/alfresco.war contains those corresponding classes in a jar file inside alfresco/WEB-INF/lib folderThe code, such as the custom web scripts, includes a build script which creates an AMP. The AMP has been applied to the alfresco.war. This is one way to get customizations merged with the Alfresco web application. Those Java classes were placed in a JAR and that JAR goes in WEB-INF/lib.
I need to add more functionality using these classes but I don't know how to access those classes directly in my code from those packages or war files.You'll need the source Java code. And you'll probably want their build script. The part that is tripping me up is that you are asking "how to access those classes directly in my code from those packages or WAR files". If you are adding functionality to the Java classes, you can either edit the source of the custom code the other team wrote, then compile and deploy it as an AMP, just like they did, or you can write new Java classes that extend the code the other team wrote.
03-08-2012 01:43 PM
I think we need to break this down a bit to validate my understanding of what you are trying to do…
You'll need the source Java code. And you'll probably want their build script. The part that is tripping me up is that you are asking "how to access those classes directly in my code from those packages or WAR files". If you are adding functionality to the Java classes, you can either edit the source of the custom code the other team wrote, then compile and deploy it as an AMP, just like they did, or you can write new Java classes that extend the code the other team wrote.
I may still not be understanding what you are asking for, so please provide additional details and what you've tried so far if you need further help.
03-08-2012 02:35 PM
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