04-12-2011 06:15 AM
<aspect name="poste:descriptionable">
<title>Rich description of a folder</title>
<property name="poste:richDescription">
<title>Rich description</title>
<description>Rich description of a folder</description>
var currentFolder = search.findNode(currentNodeRef);
if (currentFolder.hasAspect("poste:descriptionable")) {
model.desc = currentFolder.properties["poste:richDescription"];
04-12-2011 11:00 AM
The node's content is missing:
node: workspace://SpacesStore/47fd50fd-074c-443a-8523-ae654da5f4a4
reader: null
Please contact your system administrator.
var currentFolder = search.findNode(currentNode);
if (currentFolder.hasAspect("poste:descriptionable")) {
model.desc = currentFolder.content;
04-20-2011 05:26 AM
else if (propDef.getDataType().getName().equals(DataTypeDefinition.CONTENT))
processContentPropertyPersist(nodeRef, fieldData, propsToPersist, data);
And in processContentPropertyPersist(), a writer is opened on the current node :this.contentService.getWriter(nodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_CONTENT, true)
But there is no use of the QName of the property calculated in processPropertyPersist(…)String qNamePrefix = m.group(1);
String localName = m.group(2);
QName fullQName = QName.createQName(qNamePrefix, localName, namespaceService);
So every property of type d:content is saved at the same place despite the QName of the property.08-26-2013 09:23 PM
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