10-19-2014 01:12 PM
david@david-ThinkPad-X230-Tablet:/opt/pentaho/biserver-ce/pentaho-solutions/system/AAAR/endpoints/kettle/script$ ./AAAR_Extract.sh
A.A.A.R. - Alfresco Audit Analysis and Reporting
Import procedure version 2.0.
Author: Francesco Corti (all rights reserved)
Date: 01 January, 2014
We can't be responsible for any damage done to your system,
which hopefully will not happen.
Want to reduce the time of execution?
Edit this script and change 'JOB_NAME' and 'GET_PARENTS' variables.
If you don't know how, look at the FAQ at http://fcorti.com.
You are going to execute this command:
./kitchen.sh /rep:"AAAR_Kettle" /job:"Get all" /dir:/Alfresco /user:admin /pass:admin /param:get_parents=false /log="/opt/pentaho/biserver-ce/pentaho-solutions/system/AAAR/endpoints/kettle/script/../logs/AAAR.log" /level:Basic
Press <enter> to start import.
2014/10/18 20:01:35 - Kitchen - Niveau de trace : Niveau de base
2014/10/18 20:01:35 - Kitchen - Démarrage.
ERREUR: Impossible de charger la tâche car aucun référentiel n'a été renseigné.
ERREUR: Impossible de poursuivre l'opération car la tâche ne peut être chargée.
Extraction complete!
Log file has been generated in the file below:
Check for ERRORS in the log.
If you can't find them, everything has gone alright.
Please, remember to schedule the command periodically or to execute it manually.
You can schedule this command using the silent execution with the command below:
/opt/pentaho/biserver-ce/pentaho-solutions/system/AAAR/endpoints/kettle/script/./AAAR_Extract.sh silent
Want to save the reports in pdf format directly in Alfresco?
It's time to execute the 'AAAR_Publish' script.
Enjoy A.A.A.R.!
david@david-ThinkPad-X230-Tablet:/opt/pentaho/data-integration$ ./kitchen.sh /rep:"AAAR_Kettle" /job:"Get all" /dir:/Alfresco /user:admin /pass:admin /param:get_parents=true /level:Basic
2014/10/18 22:22:00 - Kitchen - Niveau de trace : Niveau de base
2014/10/18 22:22:00 - Kitchen - Démarrage.
2014/10/18 22:22:00 - RepositoriesMeta - Lecture du fichier XML : /home/david/.kettle/repositories.xml
Le traitement a été arrêté suite à une erreur :
PDI a rencontré une erreur durant la lecture de la tâche [Get all] depuis le référentiel
Impossible de trouver la tâche : Get all
10-20-2014 11:47 AM
10-20-2014 03:07 PM
2014/10/20 17:16:57 - _installPostgreSql - Démarrage exécution entrée [Check Db connections]
2014/10/20 17:16:57 - _installPostgreSql - Démarrage exécution entrée [Recreate databases]
2014/10/20 17:16:58 - _installPostgreSql - Démarrage exécution entrée [Restore AAAR_DataMart]
2014/10/20 17:17:02 - _installPostgreSql - Démarrage exécution entrée [Restore AAAR_Kettle]
2014/10/20 17:17:31 - Restore AAAR_Kettle - ERROR (version, build 1 from 2014-09-30_19-48-28 by buildguy) : PDI a rencontré une erreur durant l'ex�cution de cette tâche :
2014/10/20 17:17:31 - Restore AAAR_Kettle - Couldn't execute SQL: SET statement_timeout = 0;
2014/10/20 17:17:31 - Restore AAAR_Kettle - SET lock_timeout = 0;
2014/10/20 17:17:31 - Restore AAAR_Kettle - SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
2014/10/20 17:17:31 - Restore AAAR_Kettle - SET standard_conforming_strings = on;
2014/10/20 17:17:31 - Restore AAAR_Kettle - SET check_function_bodies = false;
2014/10/20 17:17:31 - Restore AAAR_Kettle - SET client_min_messages = warning;
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