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A workflow inside another workflow

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi all!

I developed a simple parallel workflow in wich some examiners do their task (Review decision) and if the 100% of them approve the document then a final examiner can approve or reject the document.
Now i want to implement a new feature: i want a button "Delegate" in the "Review decision" task that allow the current examiner to select another user and delegate his task to him. I also want to keep trace of this "sub-workflow" in the initial one.
This new feature is a sort of "consulting feature" and after doing this action (Delegate) the initial examiner can anyway approve or reject the document.

Any ideas about how to implement this functionality???

Thanks in advance, Paride.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Rather than a parallel user task, you'll want to create a parallel subprocess. Each subprocess would have have a user task that based on the form lead to either the end (approve) or a another user task (delegated) then back to the original user for review and approve.

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
this is JBPM or Activiti?
Logically what you need to do is add one more transition called delegate in to the "Review Decision" task that which will lead to task "Select Assignee" (New task which you need to crate). There you can allow user to select the user and that user will be the approver for your next tasks(in existing flow).

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks to all.
Finally i found the solution using a MultiInstanceSubprocess!

Paride Smiley Happy