12-12-2016 01:41 AM
I was trying to help the below quention, with a simple example. could-anyone-provide-aikau-form-example-with-data-loading
Basically, I would do a repo request when the form dialog loads and wanted to display the document libray noderef in the dialog. So I called makeRepoRequest() during dialog load, but the network tab throws 401 error.
Please let me know, what is wrong with this sample?
/* studentForm.get.js */
function makeRepoRequest()
var alfDestination = "something";
var site = page.url.templateArgs.site;
var result = remote.call("/slingshot/doclib/container/" + site + "/documentLibrary");
return result.status.code;
if (result.status.code == status.STATUS_OK) {
alfDestination = JSON.parse(result).container.nodeRef;
var formControls = [
name: "alfresco/forms/controls/TextBox",
config: {
name: "name1",
placeHolder:"Enter Name Here",
visibilityConfig: {
initialValue: true
name: "alfresco/forms/controls/TextBox",
config: {
name: "age",
placeHolder:"Enter Age Here",
visibilityConfig: {
initialValue: true
name: "alfresco/forms/controls/TextBox",
config: {
name: "nodeRef",
visibilityConfig: {
initialValue: true
value : makeRepoRequest()
var showDialog = {
name: "alfresco/buttons/AlfButton",
config: {
label: "Create New Student",
additionalCssClasses: "call-to-action",
publishPayloadType: "PROCESS",
publishPayload: {
dialogTitle: "Student Form",
dialogConfirmationButtonTitle: "Register",
dialogCancellationButtonTitle: "Cancel",
formSubmissionTopic: "ALF_CRUD_CREATE",
formSubmissionPayloadMixin: {
url: "api/type/cm%3Astudent/formprocessor"
fixedWidth: true,
widgets: formControls
model.jsonModel = {
widgets :[showDialog
services : [
12-13-2016 06:15 AM
You returned function without fetching data from the result.
function makeRepoRequest()
var alfDestination = "something";
var site = page.url.templateArgs.site;
var result = remote.call("/slingshot/doclib/container/" + site + "/documentLibrary");
if (result.status.code == status.STATUS_OK) {
alfDestination = JSON.parse(result).container.nodeRef;
return alfDestination;
As described in above code your function should return alfDestination after fetching a data from the JSON.
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