I'm just bumping this topic because I have an extension to the original question, or maybe just a redefinition as bi-directional association. If I create an associate from document A to document B, and both document A and B have the same type / aspect that defines the association, then is there a way I can have that association display when I view document B? At the moment it shows for document A, but not B. I can see why it wouldn't be desirable to have it automatically be a bi-directional relationship, but it'd be nice to be able to configure it as such.
For me, an example of a bi-directional relationship would be "Related Document" where it would make sense for the association to look both ways, whereas a one directional relationship might be "Sequel" where it doesn't make sense for the second linked document to be linked back to the parent in the Sequel association (though, it might if it had a Predecessor association… but I digress).
Maybe a child association is what's needed there in the second example, but my understanding is that actions will propagate along a child-association line, and that's not what I want to happen.