Do you have a different MyFaces in your jbossweb installation? You may need to upgrade to the JARs in the alfresco.war and then remove them from the alfresco.war itself. Also please remove all tmp/work files in jboss/tomcat when upgrading.
Thanks Kevin thats got it more functional there are still a couple of errors to fix.
1. The look of the down arrows still look like the v2 blue triangles and the more actions is still >> over the blue down arrow. When i look at the tomcat download there all circles now. Its probably something to do with error i get ..
[MyfacesConfig] Both MyFaces and the RI are on your classpath.
2. Also get pojo error org.hibernate.proxy.HibernateProxy_$$_javassist_110 cannot access its superinterface org.alfresco.rep.avm.PlainDirectoryNode
but still seems to be able to display data.
I should mention this is the liferay 4.3 Jboss package and I have also got BMC's Remedy Action Request midtier deployed on it as well. So the problem ticketing system has direct access to the alfresco content documents. The idea is to publish the problem resolutions out of Remedy straight out to the ecm.
Love this new release the web scripts are great my company is extremely interested in especially after a quote we got from another commercial vendor.
1. I think there are some posts on the forums about disabling SunRI Faces and using MyFaces in the latest JBoss.
2. Can you try running liferay/jboss using the -server JVM switch?
3. We have fixed a couple of issues with a javascript library we are using that conflicts with one in Liferay4.3 - so you will need the next 2.1 Community final release as that has only just gone into HEAD.