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03100062 st:site deletion is not allowed

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
During testing, one of my users managed to create a site which could not be deleted (!).

I am able to delete all folders under the site, and I can also move the site to another site's document library folder, but I am unable to delete that site.  When I try to do so, I see errors like this in catalina.out:

2012-04-10 11:40:39,446  ERROR [] [http-8080-69] javax.servlet.
ServletException: Could not resolve view with name 'site/testing123/dashboard' in servlet with name 'Spring Surf Dispatcher Servlet'
2012-04-10 11:46:38,007  ERROR [ui.common.Utils] [http-8080-55] Unable to delete Space due to system error: 03100062 st:site deletion is not allowed. Attempted to delete workspace://SpacesStore/a2704592-d275-4e36-9d26-fed779f6ab34
org.alfresco.error.AlfrescoRuntimeException: 03100062 st:site deletion is not allowed. Attempted to delete workspace://SpacesStore/a2704592-d275-4e36-9d26-fed779f6ab34

The major difference I see in the permissions for a normal site, versus this site, is that a normal site (e.g. a site called "junk" has permissions like:

site_junk_SiteCollaboratorSmiley FrustratediteCollaborator
site_junk_SiteConsumerSmiley FrustratediteConsumer
site_junk_SiteContributorSmiley FrustratediteContributor
site_junk_SiteManagerSmiley FrustratediteManager

But this site doesn't have such permissions, even when I take ownership of it in either the share or alfresco explorer interface.  I even tried to add myself (admin) with as siteManager, but still am unable to delete this site.

Does anybody have any way to resolve this?  I suspect it has something to do with permissions?

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
How about the permissions from the alfresco explorer.
Is the space of site created in the explorer is inheriting the permissions from the parent folder?
From explorer also you are not able to delete the site?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Mits, unfortunately I've tried both through explorer and share, with and without the tick to "Inherit Parent Space Permissions", and from both interfaces I get the same error about not being able to delete.

I can delete all the subfolders as well as contents, just not the main "site" folder.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
does anybody else have any ideas?  I really am a loss here to delete this object, I can "hide" it by moving it to another site's folder, but I can never re-use that site ID, which means I can't do replication, transfers, ACP loads etc.

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
I just started having the same problem. I removed all groups and users from the sites, killed the replication jobs that involved the sites, and when I try to delete the site folder I get a Could Not Delete Folder message. I am doing this with the Administrator account who owns the folders and still cannot delete the accounts.  When I try doing in through explorer I am told it is a Share owned site and get the 03100062 st:site deletion is not allowed message.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
You need to delete a site through the site service.    Or through Share.

There's a policy that prevents people mucking up sites by deleting by other means,  if you really want to do it remove or disable it.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi mrogers,

Can you identify where that Policy is stored and what it's called?

I would like to remove a "site/share/folder" and then never create with the /alfresco interface again and try not to move between folders.



Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Ah its moved on since I last looked at the Site Service.  …   Looks like it is the aspect ContentModel.ASPECT_UNDELETABLE.

You can either suspend the undeletable bahaviour with Java Code like
     this.behaviourFilter.disableBehaviour(siteNodeRef, ContentModel.ASPECT_UNDELETABLE);

Or you can probably remove the sys:undeleteable aspect.   However you will need to configure share to show that aspect since it is not normally shown.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I resolved my issue by moving the site back under the sites folder, below the user that created it, and was then able to delete it.