08-18-2016 06:23 AM
Hi, Is anybody know how to query / view / show for a specific user (not an administrator) the tasks in progress for all the workflow he initiated ? Thanks
08-19-2016 09:25 AM
08-19-2016 11:29 AM
08-21-2016 02:02 PM
Hi Sylvain,
Thanks for clearing that up. What you are looking for is distributed over various tables in the database, in the tables 'task', 'task_info', and 'task_step'.
Use the dashboard layout contribution as an example, at:
<component name="org.nuxeo.ecm.user.center.dashboard.jsf.layouts.dashboard">
You can easily create your own widget, querying the database for your desired fields, and add your new widget to the dashboard. Or, even modifying the current dashboard_user_tasks widget, and overriding the default by packaging your contribution, either in Studio or IDE.
<widget name="dashboard_user_tasks" type="contentViewWithForms">
<!-- handles labels to display the widget help within the widget -->
<label mode="any">title.dashboard.userTasks</label>
<label mode="any">label.workflow.tasks</label>
<properties widgetMode="any">
<property name="contentViewName">user_tasks</property>
<property name="foldable">true</property>
<property name="useAjaxPagination">true</property>
This all should help you get to where you need to be.
08-30-2016 03:09 AM
Monitoring workflow is done usually by Administrator. I would suggest to create a content view where you query your dc:created workflows and their tasks. I had a similar problem and i solve it this way. Although if your are an administrator it does not show you a visual graph for the current workflow. https://doc.nuxeo.com/display/NXDOC/How+to+Query+Workflow+Objects This should help you a bit.
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