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Why does copyContents() method of documentModelImpl class ignore a metaData change if its value has been removed from the source document.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Why does copyContents ignore a metaData change if its value has been removed from the source document.

I see that while calling the copyContents method, if the dataModel encounters a empty or null value, it moves ahead without replacing the destination field with the NULL value.

Was there any specific reason for doing like this? I thought of modifying the underlying logic. But i m not able to build and replace the NUXEO_CORE_API jar in my local bundles folder.

Changed copyContents() method can be found below

public static DataModel cloneDataModel(Schema schema, DataModel data) {

DataModel dm = new DataModelImpl(schema.getName());

for (Field field : schema.getFields()) {

String key = field.getName().getLocalName();

Object value;

try {

value = data.getData(key);

} catch (PropertyException e1) {



Object clone =null;


if (value != null) {

clone = cloneField(field, key, value);


try {

dm.setData(key, clone);

} catch (PropertyException e) {

throw new ClientRuntimeException(e);



return dm;



World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator

Hi. Could you provide a unit test that demonstrates why in your opinion the current behavior is wrong? We use copyContent to copy data from an existing DocumentModel into a newly-created empty one, so the current behavior is correct in my opinion.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I don't have a unit test handy. You are correct. As per the Current behavior, the data gets copied over without any issues into a new empty document.