03-05-2018 11:34 PM
Hi i have installed nuxeo while performing the delete operation to an attachment in file it is displaying the following error .
Please see the screenshot for error http://prntscr.com/inf8y6
and while creating the version also gives the same error. Please see the screenshot:
Please help me to solve the issue
Thanks in advance
03-06-2018 04:27 AM
Could you give us the two stacktraces server side associated with your failing calls ?
03-06-2018 04:35 AM
Here is the error log javax.servlet.forward.request_uri
03-06-2018 04:37 AM
[Kevin Leturc](https
03-06-2018 05:48 AM
Could you give us the stracktrace please ? Here we just have the error message and the jsf/seam log.
03-06-2018 07:19 AM
[Kevin Leturc](https
03-06-2018 07:25 AM
[Kevin Leturc](https
03-06-2018 09:12 AM
Thanks, the issue you reported was resolved by https
03-06-2018 11:17 PM
[Kevin Leturc](https
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