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Using an external sso system for authentication

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I am brand new to Nuxeo. I would like to authenticate users logging onto Nuxeo identified by a username and password against an external SSO system accessed via our existing web service.

I have read much Nuxeo documentation and am pretty confused as to the steps required.

I thought that the first step would be to create and register my own LoginPlugin and register it in the LoginPluginRegistry. This did not work, as my java class (myLoginPlugin) fails to load (null pointer exception). But even if it did load, I'm not sure about how next to proceed.

I am also examining the PluggableAuthenticationService as a possible extension point.

Can someone provide a step-by-step list of extension points and components that I will have to configure/provide to make this work? I've studied a lot of documentation and am pretty confused. Perhaps there is a sample or a tutorial that does this?

Thank you


I just wanted to not loose him with another notion that was not related with his problem.

Not applicable

Hi Benjamin, I work with DLovat who posted this question.

In the document, it mentions the following: "Additional Authentication Plugins Nuxeo provides a set of other authentication plugins that are not installed by default with the standard Nuxeo EP setup. These plugins can be downloaded and installed separately."

Could you please provide me some links where I can download these additional plugins? I would like to get their code so that I can step through them and understand how they work.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Lots of it is available at https

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Star Contributor


All the documentation links mentioned above were archived and are no longer accessible. Equivalent links to the latest Nuxeo Platform version are:

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