08-26-2013 11:40 AM
The following CMIS Query with a JOIN to secondary type 'Folderish' fails to parse in Nuxeo 5.7.2. Should this work or does it require full CMIS 1.1 support which has not yet been implemented?
curl -u Administrator:Administrator "http://demo.nuxeo.com/nuxeo/atom/cmis/default/query?q=SELECT+d.*+FROM+cmis:document+d+LEFT+OUTER+JOIN+Folderish+f+ON+d.cmis:objectId=f.cmis:objectId+WHERE+d.nuxeo:isVersion=false&searchAllVersions=true&includeRelationships=none"
08-29-2013 03:11 PM
Proper use of secondary types for query is not yet implemented. You could open a ticket if you want to track this more precisely.
08-29-2013 05:29 PM
See [NXP-12356][1].
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