01-14-2021 06:20 AM
Can we process the following request with a generic page provider
SELECT * FROM Document WHERE dc:language = '' OR dc:language IS NULL
For information I managed to look for the nulls but I don't know how to add a predicate on the empty space and especially how to add the "OR" between them.
My code :
<genericPageProvider class="org.nuxeo.elasticsearch.provider.ElasticSearchNxqlPageProvider" name="custom_search">
<whereClause docType="CustomSearch">
<predicate operator="IS NULL" parameter="dc:language">
<field name="searchNullLanguage" schema="custom_search"/>
ecm:isVersion = 0 AND ecm:isTrashed = 0 AND ecm:isProxy=0
Thank you
01-14-2021 06:25 AM
Hello, A solution might be https://doc.nuxeo.com/nxdoc/how-to-search-or-operator/#create-a-page-provider Regards
01-14-2021 07:11 AM
Thanks Gregory Carlin for the reply
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