11-06-2019 06:59 AM
Hi, I succeeded to add a scheduler using org.nuxeo.ecm.core.scheduler.SchedulerService but the added configuration are lost after nuxeo restarting. So i need to know how to dynamically configure the scheduler service and persist that configuration ? Thanks.
11-06-2019 07:48 AM
In Nuxeo schedulers are defined by XML configuration, so what you're asking for is not possible without code changes.
11-06-2019 08:38 AM
First of all, I want to thank you for your quick response.
11-06-2019 08:46 AM
"Not possible without code changes" means that to implement this feature in the Nuxeo platform, you would have to write Java code (and non-trivial low-level code at that).
11-06-2019 08:58 AM
OK thanks for the clarification. So if I understand correctly I have to see how to write a low-level code.
11-11-2019 02:59 AM
Hi, finally I made the following tip:
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