05-16-2020 11:17 AM
I found this question already asked, but not solved: https://answers.nuxeo.com/general/q/8308f961c17244919de03403bd559260/Publishing-rights-with-users-gr... So I will ask it again. Given the section, which I gave an explicit permissions "Read" and "CanAskForPublishing" to a user (not to a group he is member of, to avoid groups issues), the user still can't publish to that location. According to the documentation (https://doc.nuxeo.com/userdoc/permissions/), that would be sufficient to submit a document for publishing. I must give Read/Write access to the section to let a user to publish into that section. Is the "CanAskForPublishing" right deprecated for LTS2019 and webui?
05-17-2020 04:49 AM
I've reproduced the issue, and this is a bug. I've created a JIRA ticket to solve it https://jira.nuxeo.com/browse/NXP-29120. It looks like we are not checking for the right permissions in https://github.com/nuxeo/nuxeo-web-ui/blob/10.10/elements/nuxeo-publication/nuxeo-internal-publish.h.... If you want to walkaround the issue:
05-18-2020 06:10 PM
Hi, my first suggestion was simply to use Edit whereas it should expect Read + CanAskForPublishing. I think you will have side effects of moving addChildren
property (linked to Write permission from https
05-19-2020 04:11 AM
Hi again [Gregory](https
05-19-2020 04:13 AM
Hi, [Gregory](https
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