07-24-2015 06:11 AM
So I'm putting together an automation chain, and one step is sending a notification email to members of an LDAP group. It seems like I should be able to set the To: parameter with @{Fn.getEmailsFromGroup("groupname")} - but that doesn't seem to be returning anything ("No recipient addresses") - and trying expr:@{Fn.getEmailsFromGroup("groupname")} results in "Illegal Address" I feel like it's probably something super simple I'm missing, but not sure what it is.
07-24-2015 08:35 AM
I've created this chain:
- Context.FetchDocument
- Document.Mail:
from: "mlumeau@nuxeo.com"
message: Hello
subject: Meeting
to: "@{Fn.getEmailsFromGroup(\"mygroup\")}"
HTML: "false"
Strict User Resolution: "false"
rollbackOnError: "true"
viewId: view_documents
and all the users from "mygroup" received an email. So maybe the problem come from the configuration of your directories: when you go in the users and groups tab, can you see all the members of your group?
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