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Not able to debug a plugin. Need Help!

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise


I have uncommented the line from nuxeo.conf for debugging and restarted Nuxeo.

Added Eclipse remote debugging configuration (see the attached image)

but still I get the error : "Failed to connect to remote VM. Connection refused. Connection refused: connect"

Could someone please help in fixing this ?


I checked, there is a java.exe process listening to that port. I don know which java.exe as I really do not use java so I assume its Nuxeo.

ohh hmm the state is actually ESTABLISHED when I do nestat -ano , it should be LISTENING ? And why is not LISTENING. I am not sure. Any help ?

You lost me, you say there is a java.exe process listening on that port (5005), and later on you say it is listening on 9200...?

Sorry for that. means all interfaces. ESTABLISHED means that something (likely your Eclipse) has connected. Again this is nothing Nuxeo specific, please ask in a Java forum or an Eclipse forum.

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