08-03-2012 12:05 PM
I created a new suggester. This one return a SearchDocumentsSuggestion. Is there a way to precise which faceted searchs to use instead of "Default Faceted Search". I hope this is clear.
08-07-2012 04:06 PM
Not exactly sure what you are asking. I created a custom suggester and added a second search button (which limits search to certain doc types). I added a new suggester (searchClientByKeywords) and a suggestionhandler. I then overrode the default suggestbox.xhtml functionality - specifically added a new command button with the action suggestboxActions.performKeywordsSearch('searchClientByKeywords', 'searchbox').
08-07-2012 04:06 PM
Not exactly sure what you are asking. I created a custom suggester and added a second search button (which limits search to certain doc types). I added a new suggester (searchClientByKeywords) and a suggestionhandler. I then overrode the default suggestbox.xhtml functionality - specifically added a new command button with the action suggestboxActions.performKeywordsSearch('searchClientByKeywords', 'searchbox').
08-09-2012 06:50 PM
Thanks a lot. It's what I need.
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