10-10-2013 07:12 AM
I wish I could change the order of the folders into my Workspace
==> How could I make the Workspaces orderable with Studio ? (make the button "Déplacer vers le bas", "Déplacer vers le haut"... appear)
Thank you
10-11-2013 09:11 AM
Ordered (or Orderable) Folder is just a different kind of Folder http://doc.nuxeo.com/display/USERDOC/Folders
Just click on the [New document] button and select "Ordered folder" type
For the Workspace doctype I think you have to add the Orderable facet I don't know how to do this in Studio, but with code it's something like :
<extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.TypeService" point="doctype">
<doctype name="Workspace" extends="Document">
<facet name="Orderable"/>
I think the [Move up] and [Move down] buttons will appear (they are probably managed by a filter based on the Orderable facet)
Hope it helps
10-11-2013 11:39 AM
10-11-2013 07:25 PM
maybe this can help you
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