09-17-2013 12:28 PM
Can you do a search on a strict attribute for example, gidNumber without SubstringMatchType. And Put "SubstringMatchType" value to null
To do a search on: (gidnumber={0}) and not (gidnumber={0}*)
Example Nuxeo LDAP query:
2013-09-17 16:24:44,732 DEBUG [org.nuxeo.ecm.directory.ldap.LDAPSession] LDAPSession.query(...): LDAP search base='ou=groups,ou=education,o=gouv,c=fr' filter='(&(&(&(objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames)(|(ou:dn:=listes)(ou:dn:=nuxeo)))(gidnumber=*))(gidnumber={0}*))' args='5211' scope='2' [LDAPSession '3192804453631655978' for directory groupLdapDirectory]
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