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I have a trouble in my application, how do investigate to localize my trouble ?

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

Sometimes, I forget something in my configuration and my Nuxeo application doesn't work. Okay and sometimes troubles comes from Nuxeo and I would like to try to find the type of trouble 🙂

I would like to have more autonomy and try to find alone my trouble before asking on the list 🙂

This question is for you 🙂


Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

As all java application, Nuxeo provides a logging system that helps Nuxeo developer and Nuxeo support to investigate your troubles.

You can use this information yourself, and trust me, this will open a door to discover the Nuxeo Platform and go further to the comprehension of the Nuxeo World (That's near of Shakespeare) 🙂

Most of the time, when you will have a trouble, the best way to create your issue into the tracker, or post into the forum or a question, here, into answers :

  1. you will describe your symptom (I can't connect to the application, I have no dashboard, ...
  2. Sometimes you will need to describe the way to produce this symptom
  3. and sometimes the context of execution is important (I'm on Windows 2008 R2, Client on IE5, ...)
  4. and finally the logs. This information is produce by developers when they create the Nuxeo Platform to give some execution context during the code execution. And this information is really rich and most of the time human understandable.

Most of the time 1. 2. 3. are well followed but 4. is unknown and that's why I will try here to give you the key.

First by default (if you didn't change the configuration), the localization of the log file is here


or here


If your trouble is critical and detected into the platform most of the time the code will produce an entry into this file with the level ERROR. Reporting this error into your ticket will the half (or near) of the resolution of your trouble.

How to find this ERROR: Open the log file and search "ERROR" with case sensitive. You must have something like

2011-07-19 13:35:03,466 ERROR [.........] .............
     at org.something.i.really.dont.understand.ISayIReallyDontUnderstand.areYouDeaf(
     ... etc with "at" beginning of each line ....
     at org.....
caused by: ....
     at ....
     ... etc with at at the beginning of each line ....
     at ....
caused by: .... important part ...
     at ....
     ... etc with at at the beginning of each line ....
     at ....
2011-07-19 13:35:04,466 ERROR [.........] .............
     ... and so on ...

Here is my piece of advice if you want to understand the root of your trouble:

  • Find this first line that contains this line with ERROR. The message written most of the time is understandable. I don't way every time, but most of the time. You can look here, for instance.
  • And also look the message of the last "cause by" of this first ERROR - that I noted "important part"

Read these 2 lines, if you have no idea of what does mean these lines, this is the time to create a ticket.

Hope this will help you 🙂

View answer in original post


Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

As all java application, Nuxeo provides a logging system that helps Nuxeo developer and Nuxeo support to investigate your troubles.

You can use this information yourself, and trust me, this will open a door to discover the Nuxeo Platform and go further to the comprehension of the Nuxeo World (That's near of Shakespeare) 🙂

Most of the time, when you will have a trouble, the best way to create your issue into the tracker, or post into the forum or a question, here, into answers :

  1. you will describe your symptom (I can't connect to the application, I have no dashboard, ...
  2. Sometimes you will need to describe the way to produce this symptom
  3. and sometimes the context of execution is important (I'm on Windows 2008 R2, Client on IE5, ...)
  4. and finally the logs. This information is produce by developers when they create the Nuxeo Platform to give some execution context during the code execution. And this information is really rich and most of the time human understandable.

Most of the time 1. 2. 3. are well followed but 4. is unknown and that's why I will try here to give you the key.

First by default (if you didn't change the configuration), the localization of the log file is here


or here


If your trouble is critical and detected into the platform most of the time the code will produce an entry into this file with the level ERROR. Reporting this error into your ticket will the half (or near) of the resolution of your trouble.

How to find this ERROR: Open the log file and search "ERROR" with case sensitive. You must have something like

2011-07-19 13:35:03,466 ERROR [.........] .............
     at org.something.i.really.dont.understand.ISayIReallyDontUnderstand.areYouDeaf(
     ... etc with "at" beginning of each line ....
     at org.....
caused by: ....
     at ....
     ... etc with at at the beginning of each line ....
     at ....
caused by: .... important part ...
     at ....
     ... etc with at at the beginning of each line ....
     at ....
2011-07-19 13:35:04,466 ERROR [.........] .............
     ... and so on ...

Here is my piece of advice if you want to understand the root of your trouble:

  • Find this first line that contains this line with ERROR. The message written most of the time is understandable. I don't way every time, but most of the time. You can look here, for instance.
  • And also look the message of the last "cause by" of this first ERROR - that I noted "important part"

Read these 2 lines, if you have no idea of what does mean these lines, this is the time to create a ticket.

Hope this will help you 🙂

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