11-01-2011 05:17 AM
We have a messy AD where not all email addresses are in lower case. Some are capitalized and some are not. Because of this, a user may login with USer@acme.com or user@acme.com . I see in the ACLS table that the permissions are stored both ways, depending on how the user was logged in at the time the documents were created.
So, because of this, sometimes a user doesn't have access to basic functionality like edit it's own profile or access the personal workspace.
11-01-2011 06:38 AM
Since Nuxeo 5.4.2, you can force the id case of the directory entries to "lower" or "upper" in the LDAPDirectory configuration with: <idCase>lower</idCase>
for instance. The default value for that parameter is "unchanged".
That should fix your issue without having to mess with the ACL system. Nuxeo principal ids are must be unique, not only for the ACL system but also for looking up documents by creator id for instance.
11-02-2011 08:06 AM
Looks good.
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