08-17-2015 07:58 AM
I would like to get users info like first name and last name (in my case a lock owner) using java rest api. How should I do it ?
11-11-2015 07:54 AM
Use This in REST Client:
HTTPGet Method with below request:
ex: http://localhost:8080/nuxeo/site/api/v1/user/Administrator Result will be:
"entity-type": "user",
"id": "Administrator",
"tenantId": null,
"lastName": "",
"username": "Administrator",
"email": "Administrator@example.com",
"company": "",
"firstName": "",
"password": "",
"name": "administrators",
"label": "Administrators group",
"url": "group/administrators"
"isAdministrator": true,
"isAnonymous": false
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