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How does Seam.PushDocument work?

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

I have a working chain which utilize Document.Create. After this operation the user interface should display this new document. I read the documentation and think that Seam.PushDocument is the correct operation. I used the following code:

<operation id="Seam.PushDocument">
    <param type="string" name="name">expr:@{Document["dc:name"]}</param>
    <param type="string" name="scope">session, conversation, page, event</param>

The error message is Unknown chain and the server log is empty. So it looks like a general wrong usage.

Short story, this does not work. Any comments, please?


Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

If you just want to navigate to your new created Document you should use the Seam.NavigateTo operation.

The Seam.PushDocument operation push just your Document in the Seam Context.

View answer in original post


Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

If you just want to navigate to your new created Document you should use the Seam.NavigateTo operation.

The Seam.PushDocument operation push just your Document in the Seam Context.

If I replace Seam.PushDocument with Seam.NavigateTo then it still does not work. If I just create the document then the chain works without any problems. If I add the operation then Nuxeo reports `Unknown chain

do you have some other trace than unknown chain (during the deployment or during the action execution) ?

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

I did this:

  <extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.core.operation.OperationServiceComponent" point="chains">
    <chain id="MyChain">
      <operation id="Context.FetchDocument"/>
      <operation id="Document.Create">
        <param type="string" name="type">Folder</param>
        <param type="string" name="name">test</param>
        <param type="properties" name="properties">dc:title=Maman</param>
      <operation id="Seam.AddInfoMessage">
        <param type="string" name="message">Hello les amis</param>
      <operation id="Seam.NavigateTo"/>

And it works. I'm checking with error message

Same, it works. Maybe a problem of 5.5, I try on 5.5 version (I was on 5.6-SNAPSHOT)

It works now for me too. It looks like another mistake. I'm sorry for the confusion but sometimes I get only an error message that the chain is unknown. This means that I make a mistake but I don't get an error message