07-26-2013 12:46 PM
On the demo.nuxeo.com Advanced Search page, a query with Title = 'Work*' returns no results. A query with Title = 'Workspaces' returns two folders with that precise title. Is it the expected behavior for the query with Title = 'Work*' to return no results?
Also, when I search for Workspace Retail using 'Reta*' or Workspace Finance using 'Fin%' or Folder Headquarters/Test using 'Te*', no results are returned. Is this expected?
Finally, I created a Folder on demo.nuxeo.com named 'Workspaces' within the 'Retail' Workspace. A query with Title = 'Work*' again returned no results. Thoughts?
07-26-2013 06:24 PM
Generally speaking a search for 'Work*'
should return documents with words that begin with Work, however, it looks as though the WorkspaceRoot document Workspaces itself is excluded from the search. If you create a Workspaces workspace or folder (under the WorkspaceRoot) then searching for 'Work*'
returns the expected results.
The answer to your revised questions is Yes, that is expected behavior. Have you tried 'Fin%'
Above works for simple search but not (as rg1 pointed out in advanced/faceted search) due to issue NXP-10995.
07-26-2013 07:46 PM
See updated question.
07-26-2013 07:59 PM
I assume by by revised question above that the names of the Workspaces are Retail and Finance. Is that correct?
07-27-2013 08:57 AM
Please try logging in to demo.nuxeo.com as Administrator and try the Advanced Search. Word-based searches work but prefix-based wildcard searches do not, regardless of whether I use an asterisk or a percent as the wildcard. This does not seem correct to me.
07-30-2013 07:35 PM
You're correct. When I was testing I was using one of my own 5.6 instance and simple search works for workspaces, folders, etc..
08-06-2013 12:07 PM
See http
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