11-07-2013 06:04 AM
I was testing stored quartz triggers using persistence into DB and found a problem.
I tried to see what does it happen when you schedule a trigger, stop server, and restart it after trigger fire-time specified in cron expression has passed. What I expected to occur is that trigger executes just when server restarts, although its fire-time expired.
But this did not happen and I found an error with LoginModule:
2013-11-07 09:40:12,283 ERROR [org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.scheduler.core.EventJob] javax.security.auth.login.LoginException: No se han configurado LoginModules para nuxeo-ecm-web
javax.security.auth.login.LoginException: No se han configurado LoginModules para nuxeo-ecm-web
at javax.security.auth.login.LoginContext.init(LoginContext.java:256)
at javax.security.auth.login.LoginContext.
I think maybe the component which includes EventJob class is loaded before LoginModule's component... Is this correct? If it is, is it possible to change this order in an own plugin, avoiding this way to have to change nuxeo source code?
Any way, could anyone help me to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance!!
Kind Regards
11-07-2013 07:53 AM
Hello again,
Sorry, I forgot to tell that I am using Nuxeo 5.4.2
Kind Regards
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