05-14-2013 10:22 AM
I want to insert an image in a document template with freemarker language
like this:
😞 This image is not in the final document, I just got an empty square.
Is it possible to use "resources>images" in document template and what is the correct path to use ?
How insert images in a document template ?
06-12-2013 11:44 AM
Hello Me,
In theory you could create your path with ${baseURL}img/logoAmoi.jpg
but baseURL is empty.
So the temporary solution should be :
<p><img src="http://mysecreturl/nuxeo/img/logoAmoi.jpg" WIDTH="50%"/></p>
It works with documents template and emails template too of course.
06-13-2013 06:27 AM
look at http
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