06-10-2013 02:12 PM
Every time I try to do something like
Document root = (Document) session.newRequest("Document.Fetch").set( "value", "/default-domain/uploads/bob/").execute();
I get an error.
Caused by: org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.client.jaxrs.spi.JsonMarshalling$RemoteThrowable: No such document: No such document: /default-domain/uploads/bob
What am I doing wrong? There is a section called "uploads" in the default domain, and there is a section named bob under there. Also, how do I get the exact path to a section? For instance, the section name looks like "Default domain" in the interface, but from examples on the site, it is specified as "default-domain". Is it always lower case with spaces replaced by "-"s? Also, I noticed "User Workspaces" should be used as "UserWorkspaces". Is there some detailed documentation on the convention for names?
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