11-23-2012 04:29 AM
I need some help to configure the connexion to the LDAP to get the group. The configuration file default-ldap-users-directory-config.xml to get the users work perfectly. Someone can help me to do the same thing for the groups LDAP ? Thanks a lot
Here is the parameters of the file default-ldap-users-directory-config.xml:
<extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.directory.ldap.LDAPDirectoryFactory" point="directories">
<directory name="userDirectory">
<fieldMapping name="username">sAMAccountName</fieldMapping>
<fieldMapping name="password">userPassword</fieldMapping>
<fieldMapping name="firstName">givenName</fieldMapping>
<fieldMapping name="lastName">sn</fieldMapping>
<fieldMapping name="company">description</fieldMapping>
<fieldMapping name="email">mail</fieldMapping>
<inverseReference field="groups" directory="groupDirectory"
dualReferenceField="members" />
11-23-2012 07:09 AM
You must contribute a "groupDirectory"; here you're only contributing a "userDirectory". Look at the samples in the source code.
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