12-13-2017 04:04 AM
Hello everyone,
Currently I'm working on a project that will be integrated with Nuxeo but I got an issue during the implementation in nuxeo of the SSO with auth0,
then I kindly asking you, if It’s possible to configure a new OpenID Provider?
Please have a look below the extension point, nuxeo.conf and the issue in the server.log.
Nuxeo version: 9.2
<component name="eu.project.producer.mcssr.sso.sso">
<extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.oauth2.openid.OpenIDConnectProviderRegistry" point="providers">
This is the configuration in the nuxeo.conf
nuxeo.openid.google.client.id= MYID
nuxeo.openid.google.client.secret= MYSECRET
# Auth0
nuxeo.openid.auth0.client.secret= MYSECRET
This is the issue in the server.log
2017-12-13 09:26:09,335 INFO [localhost-startStop-1] [org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.oauth2.openid.OpenIDConnectProviderRegistryImpl] OpenId provider for Auth0OpenIDConnect is disabled because clientId and/or clientSecret are empty (component id = service:eu.project.producer.mcssr.sso.sso)
Could you suggest me a solution ?
Thanks a lot.
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