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Forum Posts

starting nuxeo with language en or fr default ?

hello, how to be sure to fix the language at starting nuxeo ? As root login, Admin system use : nuxeoctl stop nuxeoctrl start but sometimes, nuxeo is in english language and sometimes nuxeo is in french... How to be sure to start the nuxeo in english...

Not getting correct repository name in document URLs

I tried to configure separate repositories for encrypted and non-encrypted documents. I managed to do save documents in respective repositories as well but the URL received by Nuxeo after creation show 'default' repository only. E.g. http://localhost...

Getting InvalidKeyException for KeyStore File

I am trying encrypt binaries stored in Nuxeo. I created a KeyStore file using below command. keytool -genkey -alias nuxeoKey -keyalg RSA -keystore /home/ssg0252/Desktop/keyStore.jceks -storepass password File created and I have used the file in XML ...

Nuxeo no more CMIS compatible !

CMIS is a common protocol and the preferred way of interfacing Nuxeo with legacy systems. Without much notice, Nuxeo decided suddenly to get rid of the SOAP binding, more precisely : in 9.3 : This does NOT cove...

Resolved! When creating a File Template in Nuxeo UI getting 500 error

When browsed to "Templates" folder and creating a "File Template", the preview in view is just showing an error code, {"entity-type":"exception","status":500,"message":"Error while converting via CommandLineService"}. The file I am browsing is an emp...

Resolved! Binary Encryption Issue

I have added below lines in nuxeo.conf nuxeo.core.binarymanager=org.nuxeo.ecm.core.blob.binary.AESBinaryManager nuxeo.core.binarymanager_key=password=mypassword I was already having some files already available in binaries folder which were in plain ...

Modify CSS Element Within Studio for WebUI

Is there an easy way to modify a CSS element for a dom-module using Studio? I figure I could create a custom element, and copy the module code from the elements.html, then modify as desired. However, that also requires an import into our bundle.html ...

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