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Forum Posts

Error viewing previous version of a document. Error 500

Good Morning, I have a problem with the versions of my documents. The latest version is displayed without problems, but when I want to view a previous one, I get a 500 error (internal server error; Invalid Json; The document could not be loaded) I ha...

j_porras by Champ in-the-making
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URL with appended "@convert?format=tiff" possible?

hi, If I want to download a pdf of an jpg file I can use a URL with "@convert?format=pdf" appended to it, e.g: https://dms.nuxeo.local/nuxeo/api/v1/path/domain01/workspaces/workspace01/car.jpg/@convert?format=pdf Nice feature!! If I want to download ...

Workflow task button filter - custom EL expression

I want to activate a task button depending on a property in the input document: In the filter-input in the workflow node properties Task Button tab I've put the following ID: PanMuntligOverlaggning_enable Then in Advanced Settings->Xml Extensions I h...

Rebuilding the Repository Index

Good Morning, I would like to perform a document reindex. I've been looking at the documentation,, and it talks about the Admin> Elasticsearch> Admin tab. Where is that ...

j_porras by Champ in-the-making
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Resolved! unable to build nuxeo-platform-login-keycloak

Hello, I am unable to build nuxeo-platform-login-keycloak. Error message : [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project nuxeo-platform-login-keycloak: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.nuxeo.ecm.platform:nuxeo-platform-login-keycloak:jar:11...

Error after purging audit log

Hello, I followed the link "" to empty the audit log. I didn't have an error while performing the procedure but after finishing I noticed that I cannot access the proxy documents (including exm:...


Incrementing Unique ID for a document

Hi, Is there any method in Nuxeo Server to give each document a unique and incrementing ID when it is created? Not to replace the unique ID that is given by default, but an additional field like: doc01 -> uniqueID = ef42fj... and incrementID = 00001 ...

Small bug in Nuxeo Web UI - nuxeo-directory-suggestion

Hello, I have found a little bug in the nuxeo-webui component, and I have tried to report it in github, but I wasn't able to find the "Issues" option in the repository: Anyway, the problem is with the "nuxeo-dire...

Rodri_ by Star Contributor
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