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theme dans nuxeo

Bonjour, est il possible de gérer plusieurs thêmes dans Nuxeo ? en effet dans studio, je crée plusieurs thèmes mais dans nuxeo je n'en voies qu'un (plus deux autres inconnus "theme nuxeo" et "theme nuxeo raimbow") dans "administration/configuration/c...

vjoussot_ by Star Contributor
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Resolved! JSF tag library is not registered

I am following this steps (JSF tag library registration) for register my tag library but it was not registered in my server I put my file.taglib.xml into META-INF folder. In my "view.xhtml", use this: xmlns:emt="" this is ...

Resolved! Disable adding gadgets

Is it possible to disable the adding gadgets button in the dashboard? I tried to search some extension point, but I found nothing about it...

Alice_ by Star Contributor
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Webdav + LDAP

Hello, I'm trying to setup webdav authentication with LDAP on a Nuxeo 5.4.2 instance. I follow these two threads because I get a "Digest authentication failed. Stored HA1 is empty" error :

fabrice_ by Champ on-the-rise
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[TransactionHelper] Unable to start transaction

Hi All, Please help me to solve this exception. What could be the reason this exception is thrown. 2013-02-19 11:43:47,001 ERROR [org.nuxeo.runtime.transaction.TransactionHelper] Unable to start transaction java.lang.RuntimeException: javax.transacti...

Kareem_ by Champ in-the-making
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Resolved! How can I find a number of documents ?

Hello, In nuxeo studio, after execution of nxql query, how can I get a number of results ? ex : Execution of nxql query : fetch > query : SELECT * FROM Document WHERE mydocumenttype:variable= DATE '@{CurrentDate.format("yyyy-MM-dd")}' and ecm:path='...

pwer21c_ by Champ on-the-rise
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